Monday, September 8, 2014


everything you do
you know you do it wrong
from the way you play
to how you sing this song
you fuck it up completely
you fuck it up so neatly
we knew it was you
all along
and everything you do
you know you do it wrong

all the plans you made
once you heard the call
all the plans you laid
you forgot them all
you do it all the time
you do it by design
all the plans you laid
you forgot them all


Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Broken bartender
I'm on a bender
I won't get over it soon.
Pour me a lot,
pour me a shot,
I am a broken balloon.
The devil has spoken
the devil's not joking
the devil has asked for his due.


The cold of this winter
like death's babysitter
the wind that traces your bones.
A broken blowdryer
both hands in the fire
valentine's day spent alone.

All through December
and half of November
the sash rat-rattled and moaned.
Six nights a week
watching t.v.
a seventh night
watching your phone.

The cold of this winter like death's babysitter
the wind that traces your bones.

Monday, February 24, 2014

found song

this is your brother
this is your son
this is who I am
and what I've done.
you read in the papers
you saw on t.v.
but never imagined
that person was me
I want you to know
whatever you think
I love you all
I love everything.
all of the promise
and all of the gifts
all that I've squandered
as long as I've lived
I offer to Jesus
and hope that He's real
to suck all the sorrow
I've made you feel.
but there was a moment
when I was a boy
when I was your apple
I was your joy
we could just freeze it
just pause the tape
dwell on that moment
think of that day
I want you to know
whatever you think
I love you all
I love everything.