Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Thousand to Zero

It's where I am
it's where I find myself
but I am okay though.
There may be
reason to hope
it could all be okay
but I don't think so.

It's not what I planned
not where I saw myself
I am in Limbo.
You're a no show
I am here on the shelf
I am in Limbo.

So do what you want
and tell me when you know.
Maybe you think you already said so
but all I heard
was you are in Limbo.

A look that you gave
that felt like a thousand words
a thousand to zero.
Something you said
and didn't think I'd recall
didn't think I would hear you.
I made a note I wrote on the wall
I want to be near you
and felt totally dumb
and not what you want
a thousand to zero.