Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cold Case

a cop show
shared my first name
he was the suspect
but he had been framed
but in the show
he didn't seem to care
if he went away
if it wasn't fair
and then at the end
they figured it out
I wasn't the killer
there was no doubt
but the guy on the show
not happy or sad
some stupid adventure
not good or bad
I turned off the box
and lay on the bed
and thought of adventures
and where they had led
what good they'd done
and then I slept.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


The trip down the strip
on a Friday night
stray dog sniffing garbage cans.
Fixed his gaze but he lost his sight,
makes his way with his hands.
It made sense to him at some point.
It doesn't anymore.
He wants to make it work
the way it worked before.

A walk by the docks
when the workday's done
the river's pretty by the moon.
And if his soul is what the workday wants
she will have it soon.
He'd like to try again, knowing what he knows
You go around once
I guess that's how it goes.

The trip down the strip
on a Friday night.
I'm always walking home.
Do what you want, you didn't do it right
you're better off alone.